
Assets Backup & Sync

Back up your media resources, project files, and effects with the free cloud storage provided by Filmora. Upload now, and move to new devices without worries.
Win 11 /Win 10 / Win 8 / Win7 (64 bit OS) | System Requirements
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Access Video Assets Anytime, Anywhere

Store your video assets on Wondershare Drive with high reliability and security.

FREE Cloud Storage for Smoother Creation

Assets backup & sync saves you time from looking up your favorite media resources on a new device. You can store effects in the cloud and use them anytime, be it a Youtube subscribe sticker or a finely edited title. To be specific, 1000+ effects within 10 seconds each can be stored for free.

Seamless Workflow With Cloud Sync

Back up your unfinished videos as archive project files to the cloud for later use. Filmora 12 makes video editing from home to office seamless for everyone. It takes only blinks to upload a 30-second video.

Easy & Secure Cloud Storage

Upload your work to the cloud during editing or exporting in one click. Your files stored in Filmora will be encrypted and protected from unauthorized access, such as data hacks and ad personalization.