Ep. 5 Edit Audio and Add Voiceovers

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By Jan 20,2017 10:51 am

Edit Audio and Add Voiceovers Filmora not only allows you to edit the audio tracks but record voiceovers for your videos.

Basic Audio Editing

If your video has its own audio, you may find it useful to detach the audio, which makes it easy to edit the volume and make other adjustments.

filmora video editor

To do this, right click on your video and choose "audio detach". Once the audio track is detached, you'll see it in a separate layer below. Now you can make the adjustments you need.

To edit your audio tracks, you can double click the tracks to open the basic editing tool. This tool allows you to adjust the speed, volume and pitch. You can also add Fade In and Fade Out effects to your tracks by adjusting the duration you want.

filmora video editor

Adding Voiceovers

Filmora also allow you to record a voiceover

  • 1.Click the Record button.
  • 2.Mic icon to start recording.
  • 3.Click OK when you finish recording.

filmora video editor

Check out the next episode for how to add music your video.

Start your video project now by purchasing
Filmora or downloading the free trial.